Jakku Base Luxembourg tient à féliciter chaleureusement notre membre Cindy pour la validation de ses deux magnifiques costumes ! Bravo pour ton travail et un immense merci pour ton engagement et ta passion. Nous sommes fiers de t’avoir parmi nous !
Jakku Base Luxembourg warmly congratulates our member Cindy on the approval of her two stunning costumes! Bravo for your hard work, and a huge thank you for your dedication and passion. We are proud to have you with us!
Jakku Base Luxembourg tient à féliciter chaleureusement notre membre Cindy pour la validation de ses deux magnifiques costumes ! Bravo pour ton travail et un immense merci pour ton engagement et ta passion. Nous sommes fiers de t’avoir parmi nous !
Jakku Base Luxembourg warmly congratulates our member Cindy on the approval of her two stunning costumes! Bravo for your hard work, and a huge thank you for your dedication and passion. We are proud to have you with us!
The situation is getting out of hand… Now there are two of them! This iconic Star Wars quote perfectly describes today’s news. We are delighted and
proud to announce that our friend Jeff has had his second costume approved at Jakku Base Luxembourg. Warm congratulations to him!
After our friend Gast, who joined the enthusiasts’ club yesterday with his incredible Boba Fett outfit, Jeff now stands out with an equally impressive
uniform. Every detail of his costume reflects not only his talent and passion but also the spirit of excellence and camaraderie that thrives within our
We are honored to have Jeff among our members, and we know this is just the beginning of a great adventure for him. Keep amazing us and proudly
representing Jakku Base Luxembourg, Jeff! We can’t wait to see your future projects. May the Force be with you, and may your journey bring you many
more successes in this galaxy far, far away…
🌟 Congratulations to our friend Gast! 🌟
The entire team at Jakku Base Luxembourg warmly congratulates our dear Gast, aka Lone Wolf, for the approval of his third costume with the Rebel
Legion! 🎉 This time, he has brilliantly portrayed the legendary Boba Fett, adding an iconic character to his already impressive collection.
Reaching this level of accuracy and authenticity is a true achievement, and we know how many hours of hard work, passion, and dedication were required
to make it happen. Your talent and perseverance are an inspiration to us all.
We are incredibly proud to have such a committed and talented member among us, representing Jakku Base Luxembourg and the Rebel Legion with pride.
Bravo to you, humble human continuing your journey through the universe! 🌌
Keep shining and amazing us with your love for the saga, and may the Force be with you, always! ✨
Félicitations à Carole, qui vient de faire valider son 3ème costume au sein de notre troupe. Elle incarne avec brio un prisonnier Narkina 5 de la série Andor. Nous espérons qu'elle
pourra bientôt s'échapper de sa geôle, de préférence à la nage !
Congratulations to Carole, who has just had her third costume approved within our troupe. She brilliantly embodies a Narkina 5 prisoner from the Andor series. We hope she manages to escape from her cell soon, preferably by swimming! 💦
La Force est avec nous ! Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir un nouveau membre dans les rangs héroïques de notre Rébellion - bienvenue à Gast, qui rejoint notre cause avec son incroyable costume d'Homme des sables, plus connu sous le nom de Tusken Raider, tel qu'apparu pour la première fois dans l'épisode 4. Que la Force soit avec toi, Gast, et que ton périple au sein de Jakku Outpost Luxembourg soit aussi épique que le désert de Tatooine !
The Force is with us! We are thrilled to welcome a new member to the heroic ranks of our Rebellion - welcome to Gast, who joins our cause with his incredible Tusken Raider costume, as first seen in Episode 4. May the Force be with you, Gast, and may your journey with Jakku Outpost Luxembourg be as epic as the deserts of Tatooine!
Egalement nouveau chez nous, saluons Alex, alias Darkalex, qui nous rejoins avec 2 costumes, une magnifique armure de Clone Trooper, Capitaine Rex et un uniforme de prisonnier de Narkina 5 également. Bienvenue dans la Résistance
Also new to our group, let's welcome Alex, aka Darkalex, who is joining us with two costumes: a magnificent Clone Trooper Captain Rex armor and a Narkina 5 prisoner uniform as well. Welcome to the Resistance!
Les bonnes nouvelles n'arrivent jamais seuls. Saluons l'arrivé d'un nouveau membre, Alessandro, qui nous rejoint lui aussi avec un uniforme de prisonnier de Narkina 5, de la Série Andor.
Good news never comes alone. Let's welcome the arrival of a new member, Alessandro, who is also joining us in an Narkina 5 prisoner uniform from the Andor Series.
And yet another brand new member has joined us, after escaping from Narkina 5 prison, Tania, also known as Inazuma. She has also joined the ranks of the Rebellion to fight against the Empire.
Et encore un tout nouveau membre nous a rejoint, après s'être évadé de la prison Narkina 5, Tania, alias Inazuma. Elle aussi rejoint les rangs de la Rébellion pour combattre l'empire.
Our brand new member, Emmanuel, aka Letztrooper, who has just escaped from an Imperial prison, thereby joining the Rebellion against the Empire's tyranny. One Way Out.
Notre tout nouveau membre, Emmanuel, alias Letztrooper, qui vient de s'échapper d'une prison impériale et ce faisant, rejoint la Rebellion contre le joug de l'Empire. One Way Out.
Back in the desert in Tatooine, our Obi Wan is getting ready to meet his fallen brother! Don't get burned!
De retour dans le désert à Tatooine, notre Obi Wan s'apprête à rencontrer son frère déchu ! Attention aux brûlures!
Great, soon we will need a new hangar! Thank you for your service to the Rebellion and welcome to our latest X-Wing pilot!
Super, bientôt nous aurons besoin d'un nouveau hangar ! Merci pour votre service à la Rébellion et bienvenue à notre dernier pilote X-Wing !
Fantastic, just when we were missing X-Wing fighter spare parts, another friendly Jawa has joined our ranks! Welcome, and I hope that helmet is empty...
Fantastique, juste au moment où il nous manquait des pièces de rechange pour le chasseur X-Wing, un autre sympathique Jawa a rejoint nos rangs ! Bienvenue, et j'espère que ce casque est vide...
Another mechanic and droid maintenance crew member to help in the non-stop repairs. That overall will soon get dirtier...
Un autre mécanicien et membre de l'équipe de maintenance des droïdes pour aider aux réparations continuelles. Cet ensemble deviendra bientôt plus sale...
The galactic viral pandemic got the better of our 4th anniversary celebrations, but we're back, bigger and better!
Hurray for our 5th year of rebellion in Luxembourg, we have grown so big we might soon need a new base...
La pandémie virale galactique a eu raison de nos célébrations du 4e anniversaire, mais nous sommes de retour, plus grands et meilleurs !
Hourra pour notre 5e année de rébellion au Luxembourg, nous avons grandi tellement que nous pourrons bientôt avoir besoin d'une nouvelle base...
And welcome to our new Armourer, maybe that Din Djarin will finally get his new armour...
Et bienvenue à notre nouvel Armurier, peut-être que Din Djarin aura enfin sa nouvelle armure...
Finally a grease monkey for our many X-Wing fighters needing urgent maintenaince! Thank you for your work!
Enfin un mécano pour nos nombreux chasseurs X-Wing nécessitant une maintenance urgente ! Merci pour votre travail!
CaDo has joined our X-Wing pilot ranks to further rain misery on those dark Tie Fighter pilots! Welcome!
CaDo a rejoint nos rangs de pilotes X-Wing pour faire encore plus pleuvoir
la misère sur ces sombres pilotes de Tie Fighter ! Bienvenue!
Welcome to Leia Organa "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee" (you are in luck princess, we have one just below) from A New Hope.
Bienvenue à Leia Organa "Autant embrasser un Wookie" (vous avez de la chance princesse, on en a un juste en dessous) de l'épisode Un Nouvel Espoir.
Wyaaaaaa (in Shyriiwook) to our very own Jakku Chewbacca! Big and strong reinforcement for our outpost!
Wyaaaaaa (en Shyriiwook) à notre propre Chewbacca de Jakku! Un grand et fort renforcement pour notre Outpost!
and it is already our third anniversary, a big thank you to all our members and friends for making this such an enjoyable rebellion!
et c'est déjà notre troisième anniversaire, un grand merci à tous nos membres et amis qui font en sorte que cette rébellion soit un tel plaisir!
Hail the new W-Wing Pilot ready to take on the dark side, he's our new hope!
Félicitations à notre nouveau pilote prêt à enfronter le côté obscur, il est notre nouveau espoir!
Taking the high ground is always safer, welcome to our Kenobi from Revenge of the Sith.
Défendre des hauteurs est toujours préférable, bienvenue à notre Kenobi de l'épisode 3.
All rejoice, Luke is back! Even as a ghost he is strong in the force. Hope that lightsaber doesn´t land in the sea again...
Réjouissons nous tous, Luke est de retour! Même en tant que fantôme
il est fort dans la force. Esperons que le sabre laser n´atterrisse pas
dans l´eau à nouveau...
We welcome Jawathevi from Tattoine, awaiting his delivery of fresh Sooga egg!
On souhaite la bienvenue a Jawathevi, qui attend sa livraison de Sooga frais!
Our princess, General Leia commanding the Raddus will always be with us!
Notre princesse Général Leia commandant le Raddus sera toujours avec nous.
A warm welcome to Thevissen, our valiant new Jedi Knight, ready to bring us some good times!
Un chaleureux accueil pour Thevissen, notre vaillant nouveau Jedi Knight, prêt à nous rammener des bon moments!
Ouuuuouoooooooorgh! Isa is reinforcing us with a second super costume, armed with her gaderffii stick. Watch out for the Krayt dragon behind you!
Ouuuuouoooooooorgh! Isa nous renforce avec un deuxième super costume, armée de son gaderffii stick. Attention au Krayt dragon derrière!
A warm welcome to CaDo as our new General Hera Syndulla aboard her ship the Ghost (it´s parked nearby), ready to fight imperial repression!
Un chaleureux accueil pour CaDo, notre nouveau General Hera Syndulla à bord de son vaisseau le Ghost (il est garé tout prés), prête á combattre la repression impériale!
We are happy to celebrate our first
anniversary as Jakku Outpost, our
rebellion in Luxembourg has been
taken up by the local populace and
we have grown from 3 to 7 members!
Long live the rebellion!
Est. 28.08.2017
The official webpage for the Jakku Outpost of the Rebel Legion, an international Star Wars costuming organization.
We´re the Good Guys!
Jakku Outpost promotes Star Wars fandom while helping others through charity work and community service.
Interested to become a member? Contact us:
The Rebel Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it is Lucasfilm's preferred volunteer Rebel costuming group. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm.
© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™ All rights reserved. Used under authorization.